J.Maurice - "Favors"

J.Maurice has a new track out, and it’s a banger. It has heavy auto-tune on the hook, backed up by classic trap style beat. Oh yeah, the song has a clear and distinct message. He’s through doing favors. And we don’t blame him.   I’m s...

6:03 PM

Alcam - "Tina Turner"

Equipped with high energy and very passionate lyrics Alcam bring's a unique style to the genre of Hip Hop. Being influenced by the legends in the genre his flow is inspired by many but emulated by none. Alcam is known for his ferocious freesty...

6:14 PM

Rvin - "Make It Rain"

Rising artist RVIN originally from Lynn, MA is now taking New England by storm. Being a powerhouse artist for ill Entertainment RVIN's social media following is NOT the only thing that's major, he's worked with artists like Euroz, Topprraaa, Bobb...

6:17 PM

KDA - "Tonight"

What first got you into music? My earliest memories are dancing for my Grandmother while she played Michael Jackson's record on this old record player that we used to own, I really feel as if that really jumpstarted my mind to get ...

9:43 AM

Prime Sinister - "Midnight"

Prime Sinister, is a 23-year-old Londoner and full-blown musical revolutionary. As the creator of his own rhyme style, “Syllablism”, Prime Sinister has crafted songs in which every word, line and verse are not only interconnected but for the f...

4:22 PM
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