On-the-verge rapper, Worldwide Bus releases long awaited album "Crucible"

World Wide Bus (PKA Torando Ruffin and formally known as Bigbus) has released his latest project “Crucible”. The 8 track album highlights World Wide Bus’ ability to connect with his audience with relatable songs, catchy hooks and head noddi...

5:31 PM

BOSTON HIPHOP>> M.O.T.F (Matress On the Floor) releases sexually charged hiphop/R&B album "Booty Call Hours"

Get ready for an experience! New England duo Mattress On The Floor (M.O.T.F) releases it’s new project “Booty Call Hours”. M.O.T.F consists of Rich Flair, the group’s producer, and Boogs Mack, rapper/singer. “Booty Call Hours” is a genius l...

12:56 PM
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